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Quality Water Features

Water features provide soothing aesthetics that help relax your mind and calm your body. If you’re looking for a quiet, soothing environment to remove the daily stress of the world, consider adding a pond, waterfall, or fountain to your outdoor living space.

Prestige Landscaping offers a wide range of water features that are stylish, durable, and effective for raising your property value. From ceramic jar fountains to natural walk waterfalls and ponds, we can create a custom water feature that you’ll love. We use only the finest materials, and we’ll ensure you’re consulted throughout the process.

water wall fountain

Planning Stylish Water Features

Depending on your outdoor space requirements and budget, our water features can range from being extravagant focal features to simple fountains. The choice is yours! At Prestige Landscaping, we’ll help design a stylish and accessible outdoor layout and water feature plan with the materials, shape, and components required to give your outdoor space a signature look and feel you’ll love. We can work with almost any budget, and we have over a decade of experience.

Our team of landscaping and hardscaping experts utilizes the finest materials, and we’ll ensure your water feature installations is completely functional and optimized. We’ve built a reputation for exceptional work and accurate estimates. When your home needs a stylish water feature for a fair price, call the professionals at Prestige Landscaping today.

We’ll Oversee Every Detail

The components of any water feature will vary depending on style, location, the detail needed, and size, but generally, most water features will require these four basic components:

  • Liner: Synthetic sheeting or premolded material that retains and collects the water
  • Pump: Works to keep water flowing correctly
  • Tubing and filters: Keep the water clean and well-directed
  • Dimensional features: Aesthetic modifications and lighting

Whether you want to create a simple ceramic fountain for your patio, a rock waterfall, or stylized water wall and pond, we can fabricate and install a water feature you’ll love. We stand behind all of our work, and we’ll ensure you understand how to maintain your new water features best before we leave. We also offer a wide range of landscaping maintenance that includes lawn care, weed control, flowering and planting, hardscapes installations, and more. Create a stunning outdoor space that you and your family will love for years to come.

old pitcher and pot fountain water feature

Bring Nature to Your Doorstep

There’s nothing as beautiful as listening to the cactus wren’s call in the morning or watching the flight of the two-tailed swallowtail butterfly across your shrubs. Arizona’s signature natural beauty is easily obtainable in your backyard when you design a natural haven with Prestige Landscaping.

We can create a beautiful outdoor living space that encompasses the natural colors and life of the Gila River Valley for a very reasonable cost. We offer stylish hardscaping, water features, outdoor lighting, and garden care that will ensure your home is the talk of the neighborhood. Bring nature to your doorstep and give yourself a space to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. Call us now to schedule a no-obligation estimate.

Landscaping Is Living Space That Just Happens to Be Outdoors!