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The Finest Fireplace and Fire Pit Supplier

Nothing brings people together like the warmth of a stylish outdoor fire pit or fireplace. Prestige Landscaping offers the finest fire pit and outdoor fireplace installations and we’ll ensure you’re more than satisfied with our service. No matter the size of your yard or your budget, we can create dynamic and beautiful outdoor landscaping and hardscapes that will showcase your property and raise your home’s curbside appeal.

Our team of landscaping and hardscaping experts has years of experience, and we’re fully licensed and insured for your peace of mind. Make the most of your outdoor living spaces by contacting us today.

fire pit and fireplace in rock landscaped yard

Benefits of Outdoor Fireplaces and Firepits

Almost everyone can enjoy the benefits of fire pits and outdoor fireplaces. Whether you’re looking to cook s’mores over an open flame or just want to enjoy the ambiance and warmth that firepits and fireplaces give off, we have quality fire pit and outdoor fireplace options in a large range of styles and colors.

Our firepits also offer benefits, such as:

  • Increasing your home’s property value
  • Adding warmth to any outdoor event
  • Roasting food and desserts
  • Creating a captivating and unique outdoor focal point

Our team of fire pit experts can safely and efficiently install a fire pit or outdoor fireplace system that will look amazing in your yard and last for decades. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Which Style Do You Prefer?

At Prestige Landscaping, we will help you with your decision between a fire pit or a fireplace. Or, you can choose both if your property allows for space! Both features extend the enjoyment of an outdoor living area by providing the perfect ambiance of warmth, light, relaxation, and entertainment.

Whether you choose gas or a wood burning system, our fire pits and outdoor fireplace installations are an ideal focal point for any outdoor living space. If you are looking for a tranquil retreat or a lively background to entertain, the versatility of an outdoor fire pit or fireplace will create an endless number of possibilities for your outdoor oasis.

Fire pits tend to lend themselves to more social gatherings and won’t block an amazing view. Fireplaces are better for a more intimate feel and have the added benefit of blocking the wind and creating shade.

rock fireplace with outdoor furniture

Comprehensive Outdoor Space Renovations and Care

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver stylish hardscapes and efficient irrigation and lawn care services. No matter the size of your property, we can deliver personalized greenery care and create a design for your yard that will raise your property value and your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Our team of expert landscapers and hardscape designers has over a decade of experience in the industry, and we stand behind all of our work. Quality landscaping and hardscaping features can be yours for a fair price when you work with Prestige Landscaping.

Landscaping Is Living Space That Just Happens to Be Outdoors!