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About Prestige Landscaping

The nice thing about Prestige Landscaping is that for many years Prestige Landscaping and design has been dedicated to serving the City of Maricopa and Maricopa County in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

backyard with hot tub, pool, outdoor lighting and landscaping

Experience That Matters

Through the years we have gained over 20 years of valuable experience in landscaping and consider our company to be leaders in the landscaping industry in Maricopa, Arizona. We stay abreast of the landscaping industry news, updates, and current trends and share them with our clients to create the most updated and modern looking landscapes.

Our staff and crew is made up of professional people who are trained to always put the customer first.

Our Objective

Our objective is to make sure our customers are very happy with their finished product and we work extremely hard to accomplish this. We enjoy seeing our customer’s sigh of satisfaction when they see their landscaping dream become a reality.

the Prestige Landscaping mission

Our Vision and Mission

Our Mission at Prestige Landscaping is to design, build and maintain beautiful, functional landscaping that meets our clients’ needs and exceeds their expectations as we turn their Dreams Into Reality.

To further this mission, we strive to provide creative solutions, quality service, and to deliver to each and every customer 100% of what is promised.

In this endeavor, we provide to serve our customers with honesty, integrity and reliable service.

We view our clients’ projects as an investment in our future, earned by our customers satisfaction, and in providing superior service

At Prestige Landscaping you can count on us to get the job done right!

Landscaping Is Living Space That Just Happens to Be Outdoors!